Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Worst Halloween Nightmare

            It’s Halloween night and I’m home alone passing out candy. I’ve been passing out candy for quite a while now, probably has been a couple of hours. It’s gotten pretty late and fewer people come to my door the later and darker it gets. Things start to quiet down for the last hour, so I start to wrap things up and grab my things and go back inside. An hour passes, I’ve showered and gotten into my PJ’s starting to get ready to relax and watch a movie. I turn Friday the 13th on and I’m at the part where it’s silent and you don’t know what’s gonna happen next. All the sudden somebody knocks on my door. I screamed because I expected it to come from the movie, but it was real. All I could see was the outline of a dark creepy shadow through the curtains, I was extremely scared to open it so I acted like I wasn’t home. The knocking started up again after a few minutes. Again, I didn’t answer. A few seconds after the knocking stopped, he left. I was extremely relieved that he was gone and nothing happened. 30 minutes later, I hear three big bangs on the front door now. It’s the same shadow. This time the banging doesn’t stop. I screamed from inside and shouted “I’m not passing candy out anymore! I’m sorry, it’s a bit late!!” The banging stopped. I went to bed and locked all of the windows and doors to make sure I was safe. It’s about 3 A.M and I was sound asleep, and then I heard a door open. I sat up in bed and listened very carefully. Footsteps start, very slowly and light at first. Then they start to make their way up to the stairs and their steps are getting louder, sturdier and closer. Before he could make it up the stairs, I quietly left my room and hid in the heater closet. He makes it up the stairs, I hear him open my door. He grunts and is stomping all over the place. I start to cry and breathe heavily, scared that he will hear, so I cover my mouth, but it’s not much help. He stops in the hallway, in front of my bedroom. He walks slowly and I hear a knife scraping against the wall, he stops again in the hallway now. I can tell he’s right in front of me, I start to breathe too loud. He opens the door and he’s wearing a bull mask with horns. I start to cringe and cry, he takes the mask off. “Callais, find a better hiding spot next time,” my dad said laughing hysterically.


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